Saturday 31 August 2024

Swillington Ings

Saturday 31st August a.m.

A sunny morning with a start temperature of 8°C at Swillington, many birds were on the reserve a Great White Egret was eating a large fish and there were several Little Egrets around.  A Couple of Black-tailed Godwits were feeding as were Snipe, a Kingfisher was catching fish at the crossroads of the reed beds.  Others were Common Tern, Lapwing, Little Grebe, Gt Crested Grebe, Gadwall, Shoveler, Pochard and Teal.




Little Egret

Little Grebe

Black-tailed Godwit

Common Tern

Gt Crested Grebe

Great White Egret

Little Egrets among the Lapwings

Swillington Ings 31/8/2024

Sunday 25 August 2024

Hewenden Reservoir

Sunday 25th August a.m.

A sunny morning with a temperature of 10 °C, the reservoir had c150 Gulls mainly BH Gulls with a few LBB Gulls.  There were a dozen or so House Martins feeding near a tree and some Goldfinch moved through, otherwise quiet but an enjoyable walk.

House Martin

LBB Gull

BH Gulls

Hewenden Viaduct 25/8/2024

Friday 16 August 2024

Redcar Tarn

 Friday 16th August a.m.

A cloudy morning with a temperature of 15°C at Redcar Tarn where there were 29 Pied Wagtails in the field opposite which has recently been covered with muck.  While I was there c75 Canadas flew on to the water soon followed by 10 Greylags, others were Rook, Jackdaw, LBB Gull, House, Martin, Tufted and a Grey Heron on the island.

Grey Heron



LBB Gull

Grey Wagtail



Canadas arriving at Redcar Tarn 16/8/2024

Tuesday 13 August 2024

Denholme Clough

Tuesday August 13th a.m.

A sunny morning with a temperature of 15°C which started well with a Grey Wagtail in the stream.  The highlight of the morning was a Spotted Flycatcher in a distant tree, others seen were Blackcap, Swallows, Willow Warbler, Canadas and Jay.

Spotted Flycatcher



Distant Spotted Flycatcher in Denholme Clough 13/8/2024