Sunday, 9 March 2025

Rodley NR

 Sunday 9th March a.m.

When I arrived at Rodley just ten minutes from Yeadon the temperature had risen to 8°C and the sun was still out.  A good variety of birds here seen from the various hides on site,  good to hear and see the return of a couple of Chiffchaffs and a Cetti's Warbler was also very vocal and was seen briefly when it came out from the reeds.  A Red Kite was overhead and a Kingfisher flew across the River Aire.  Others seen included Chaffinch, Cormorant, Grey Heron, Snipe, Oystercatcher, Gadwall, Shoveler, G.C. Grebe, Little Grebe and Lapwing. 




Grey Heron


Gadwall & Oystercatcher

GC Grebe

Little Grebe


Red Kite


Snipe at Rodley NR 9/3/2025

Yeadon Tarn

 Sunday 9th March a.m.

A sunny morning with a start temperature of 7°C at Yeadon Tarn where there were over 20 Mute Swans and over 20 Tufteds.  A couple of Goosanders flew off leaving 2 on the water, there were 4 Cormorants on the island, others were Mallard, Canada, Greylag, Coot and Moorhen.  





Mute Swan

Yeadon Tarn 9/3/2025

Saturday, 8 March 2025

Stockbridge NR

 Saturday 8th March a.m.

A good morning with some pleasant sunshine and a start temperature of 8°C as I looked over the Lake  at the BOG Stockbridge Reserve.   Here there were over 20 Canadas and 2 Greylags and it was great to see the Water Rail under one of the feeding stations.  Plenty other birds were seen including GSW, Blue Tit, Gt Tit, Coal Tit, LT Tit, Bullfinch, Reed Bunting, Goldfinch and Robin.

Water Rail





Blue Tit

Reed Bunting

LT Tit

Water Rail at Stockbridge Nature Reserve  8/3/2025

Thursday, 6 March 2025

Hewenden Reservoir

 Thursday 6th March a.m.

A glorious sunny morning with a temperature of 8°C as I set off for a walk around Hewenden Reservoir where there was the usual mix of c250 Gulls.  A couple of Grey Wagtails were in the overflow of the Reservoir and the Buzzard was in it's usual area and there were c15 Cormorants.  These were all seen as I walked across the Viaduct, when I went down Station Rd there was a couple of Pied Wagtails, turning back to continue round the Reservoir I heard the sound of distant geese and soon after a skien of 121 Pink-footed Geese flew above me and carried on into the distance.  I went through the wood round the top of the Reservoir and by the time I came back to a good view of the water all the Gulls had moved on.  Others seen were Teal, Tufteds, Grey Heron, Kestrel, Robin, Canada, Coot, Moorhen and Starling. 

Pied Wagtail

Pink-footed Geese



Grey Heron

Skien of Pinkies 

Hew Res

Hewenden Reservoir 6/3/2025