Friday, 28 February 2025

Hewenden Reservoir

 Friday 28th February p.m.

A foggy and frosty start this morning so it was this afternoon when the sun was out and the temperature had risen to 7°C that I had a walk on to Hewenden Reservoir.  The first bird of note was a Kestrel, the Buzzard was back on it's usual perch ,c50 Canadas and the same each of Lapwings and Gulls were at the Reservoir.  Good to see a pair of Gadwall here again, just distant views though before they disappeared behind branches at the edge of the far bank.  Still c20 Cormorants, 10 Teal, 8 Oystercatchers and four Goldeneye, others were Tufteds, Moorhen, Goosander, Robin and Mistle Thrush.



Mistle Thrush


Distant Gadwall




Hewenden Reservoir 28/2/2025

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