Sunday, 21 April 2013

Cullingworth Waxwings

Sunday April 21st a.m.
 My dad was taking the dog for her usual walk this morning in hazy sunshine with a
temperature of 5°C.As he walked down our road he had only gone 30m when he looked
down a side road and spotted Waxwings.He quickly went back to the house grabbing a
camera and went to take some snaps, fortunately they were still there, a couple on a bush
full of berries in a nearby garden.On his approach they went back up in to the tree where he
spotted them earlier.He counted 13 as he started taking some pictures, some birds moved
nearer on to a roof, looking in the guttering for something.He got quite a few snaps before
they flew off SW over the village. With there being a bush full of berries I'm sure they'll be
back to finish them off.Here are some of his snaps and yes he did go back and take the dog
for her walk.

A count of 13 Waxwings


  1. A pleasant surprise and some wonderful pictures.

  2. Thought we might have had our last report by now but obviously not, well done Nigel( NP ) The best Waxwing photos this year by far. I,ll just fetch my camera back out of the garden now .

  3. Thanks to you both, one of those days where everything drops kindly into your hands. I've just upgraded to a new bridge camera to help Danny with his blog
    with hopefully some better pictures.Very pleased with the early results in good light,Wheatears,Grey Wag & now Waxwings,our first this year at just the right time.

  4. I did consider one of them after seeing all of Tracy's great pictures but in the end went for a Canon SX50.

  5. Seems to be doing the job and you can,t go far wrong with Canon tackle.
    Ive just got a Fuji 30x bridge camera as my other Fuji 18x has served me well for years, see how the results come out.
