Sunday 27th March a.m.
Chilly overcast start this morning around 5°C as we set off to Cold Edge Dams.The
Oystercatchers we saw on our last visit were still there along with a couple of Canada
geese. We saw Brian on the far side of the dam taking a snap of the Oystercatchers. We
saw a Heron fly over as we went back to the car where we caught up with Brian and his
crew of three dogs. Good snap Brian on your blog, he was please to have sighted a
We then moved on to Ogden water in hope of seeing a Goldeneye, it was very busy when
we got there with people out walking. By now it had brightened up as the sun broke through,
we saw the usual Mallards and Canadas. We sat for a while near the birdfeeder and saw
several Tits, Long-tailed, Blue and Coal with a Chaffinch in a nearby tree and a Dunnock
feeding on the ground. We went to have another look at the water and to our delight spotted
a female Goldeneye, well worth our visit.
Long-tailed Tit |
Long-tailed Tits
Blue Tit |
Coal Tit |
Dunnock |
Chaffinch |
Female Godeneye |
Female Goldeneye |