Monday 7th May a.m.
A warm sunny start with a temperature of 14°C as I started by checking out the
Little Owl sat on its favourite wall with a second bird on the wall at the other side of the field.As I was watching them the distinctive sound of the
Curlew was overhead as three went past.
Sand Martins were making frequent visits to their nesting site and there were several
Willow Warbles and
Whitethroats seen as they sang from prominent positions.A
Chiffchaff was in full voice and I got a good view although I was too slow with the camera.It was also good to hear the melodic sound of the
Garden Warbler with at least two birds singing and I got glimpses of both birds.The
Cuckoo also made a couple of appearances during my visit with brief views on both occasions and of cause the distinctive call.I also briefly saw a couple of
Red-legged Partridge for the first time at this location and also for the first time the
Skylarks were up singing as they soared in to the sky.
Other birds seen were
Kestrel,Goldfinch,Chaffinch,Swallow,Rook and
Meadow Pipits.
Willow Warbler |
Whitethroat |
Chaffinch |
Curlew |
Goldfinch |
Little Owl |