Tuesday 29th December.
An unusual year with restrictions in place during lockdowns meaning I did more local birding and less distant Nature Reserve visits. I did a bit more walking which was a good thing I particularly enjoyed walking to Doe Park and Denholme Clough in the early summer and a few more walks through Goit Stock Woods near Hallas Beck. So here is my top ten for 2020:-
10. Garden Warbler - Harden Moor 6th May.
I always enjoy the return of these tuneful birds during the summer and Harden Moor has been a good location for me to spot them, not an easy bird to get a picture of though.
Garden Warbler
Lapwing - Redcar Tarn 14th September.
Always a pleasure to see Lapwings and were lucky to have a good number of them locally this one posed well for a good picture.
Dipper - Goit Stock Wood 3rd May
One of my favourite birds the Dipper always brightens up the day when you see one.
Dipper |
Common Tern - Swillington Ings 20th May
Not a common bird locally but good numbers can be seen at Swillington Ings during the summer making it well worth a visit along with many other birds to be seen at this great Nature Reserve.
Common Terns |
6. Stonechat - Harden Moor 4th April.
I don't often see these birds so I was exited to see a couple of them on Harden Moor.
Caspian Gull - Redcar Tarn 2nd February.
Gulls don't often feature in my top tens but this Caspian Gull was a lifer for me so had to be included.
Caspian Gull |
Dunlin - Local Reservoir 8th May.
I always get a buzz when I see a Dunlin locally and this local reservoir has turned a few up for me and enabled me to get close enough for a good picture.
Dunlin |
Redstart - Denholme Clough 8th August.
During regular visits to Denholme Clough and Doe Park Reservoir tis summer I saw two or three Redstarts on several occasions, a real treat as these are not a common bird locally.
Reed Warbler - Swillington Ings 20th may.
I hear these regularly at this site during the summer but spotting them is difficult and getting a good picture is a real bonus.
Reed Warbler |
Spoonbill - Swillington Ings 10th September.
These rare birds are starting to spread out a bit through the country but still a red letter day to see one reasonably close to home and makes it my number one for 2020.
Spoonbill |