Saturday, 4 January 2025

River Worth Keighley

 Saturday 4th January a.m.

A dull morning with full cloud cover and a temperature of 2°C, I decided to go see the resident Peregrine in Keighley and then had a short walk by the River Worth seeing a Grey Heron and a Goosander.  


Grey Heron


Goosander, River Worth 4/1/2025

Friday, 3 January 2025

Cullingworth Fields

 Friday 3rd January a.m.

A walk to Cullingworth fields in morning sunshine with a temperature of -1°C along some icy footpaths was a change of scene for me.  Here as expected there were loads of Gulls, those noted were Herring, BH and Common Gulls, with them were various corvids. Also in another field were Redwing, Fieldfare, Starlings and a Grey Wagtail, making it worth the walk.


Redwing & Fieldfare


Grey Wagtail


Cullingworth Fields 3/1/2025

Thursday, 2 January 2025

Hewenden Reservoir

 Thursday 2nd January p.m.

After my earlier successes this morning the sun was still shining and with the temperature now up to the dizzy height of 1°C there was only one thing to do.  I put my walking boots on and headed off to Hewenden Reservoir seeing four Goldeneyes, Goosander, Cormorants, Tufteds, Moorhen, Canadas, BH & Herring Gulls.  Overhead flew a Buzzard which was later on its favourite perch, also overhead Lapwings, in the distance a Pheasant, Redwings feeding on the ground and Jackdaws on the overhead wires.






Jackdaws passing the time of day


Hewenden Reservoir 2/1/2025

Leeshaw Reservoir

 Thursday 2nd January a.m.

After my earlier visit to the Tarn with the sun still shining at -1°C I braved some ice roads and went to Leeshaw Reservoir in search of a rare special bird which was found here a couple of days ago.  A few birders were already here and they told me the bird was still present so a walk up to the track where I located the bird on the opposite side of the Reservoir.  After a short wait there was some disturbance and the  Red-necked Grebe flew nearer to me so I was able to get a good view of it and some decent pictures.

 While I was there two flocks of Canadas & Greylags flew in, a Cormorant was also seen.

Red-necked Grebe

Red-necked Grebe catching fish


Leeshaw Reservoir 2/1/2025

Redcar Tarn

 Thursday 2nd January a.m.

A cold icy morning at just -2°C but the sun was out so I was out off up to the Tarn where the long staying male Pintail & Wigeon were still present.  The usual BH, Common, Herring & LBB Gulls were in good numbers, others were Tufteds, Canadas, c50 Greylags flew in, Coot, Pied Wagtail, Robin, Rook & Mallard.




Pied Wagtail

LBB Gull

Herring Gull

Common Gull

BH Gulls on thin ice

BH Gull with ring J90Y

BH Gulls


Redcar Tarn 2/1/2025