Saturday 21st May a.m.
This morning we met at Ogden Water for a walk with other BOG members.
It was a cool morning with a fairly strong wind blowing, but it was dry with the
sun shining from time to time, the temperature was about 9°C. We walked along
the side of the reservoir seeing an Oystercatcher fly above the water. We went up
into the woods seeing a Coal Tit, climbing the path upto the Giants Tooth. From
here we got a good view of a Tree Pipit in the top of nearby trees,a Curlew flew over
and towards the windfarm was a Lapwing.
The ground was burnt in this area after the recent moorland fires, it was good to see
some green toughs of grass regrowing strongly. We moved back down into the woods
seeing a Spotted Flycatcher,Siskin,Blackcap,Willow Warbler,Goldcrest and Mistle
Thrush.We got back down to the reservoir and saw a Orange Tip Butterfly ,Common
Sanpiper on the far bank,Swifts flew over and there was a Wagtail amongst other usual
When we got back to the car park we then went on another track in the hope of
seeing a Cuckoo and indeed we found one on a concrete post which we think was
a female, it went back into the woods, but then a male Cuckoo appered on the post.
It stayed for quite sometime giving us a good chance to take a distant snap,on the way
back down the track a Jay briefly appeared. Great to see the Cuckoo and some other
birds we saw for the first time.
View upto Giants Tooth |
Coal Tit |
Orange Tip Butterfly |
Pair of Butterflies |
Cuckoo |
Male Cuckoo |
Jay |