Saturday December 8th a.m.
A cold frosty start to the day but fine and dry when we arrived at Yeadon Tarn with a
temperature of -0.5°C.We were meeting up with other members of Bradford
Ornithological Group (BOG) for an organised walk, things started well with a
Snipe spotted
flying around near the car park. It was slippery underfoot with bottle ice in parts of the
footpath but we all took care and safely walked round the Tarn seeing some good birds.
The first area held
Mallards,Coots,Gt C. Grebe,Moorhen and
Tufted Duck.Further along we
Goosander,Pochard,Mute Swan,BH Gull,Common Gull and it was great to see a Drake
Goldeneye. As we walked towards the airport end we saw the Drake
Mandarin was still
present and I also spotted a brief glimpse of a
Kingfisher, and there was a
Grey Heron on the
wooden barrier with BH Gulls and a few Common Gulls.Along with some other common species
this was an excellent start to the morning.
Knotford Nook
We then went to Knotford Nook where we walked between the two lakes where we got some
good distant views of a number of birds.This area is restricted by private fishing rights to the lakes,
however we saw
Wigeon,Coot,BH Gull,Cormorant,Mute Swan,Mallards and
Goosander. It was
also good to see several male & female
Goldeneye and a
Red Kite briefly overhead.
Otley Wetlands
Our final destination was Otley Wetlands which is a private Nature Reserve where a permit is
needed for entry to the site,BOG members were invited guests on this occasion.There were a
couple of lakes here where we had some good views.We could see
Greylags,Coots,BH Gulls,
Mallards,Tufted Ducks & Mute Swans.Walking around
Grey Heron,Reed Bunting,Siskin,GSW
Cormorants were also seen.We finished off with a visit to the bird feeding area where there were
Chaffinch,Blue Tit,Robin,Great Tit,Coal Tit and the bonus of a
Willow Tit which rounded off a good mornings birding.
Drake Mandarin |
Drake Goldeneye |
Grey Heron & BH Gull |
Gt C Grebe & BH Gulls |
Mute Swan |
Pochard |
Yeadon Tarn |
Yeadon Tarn island |
Otley Wetlands |