Sunday 30thAugust a.m.
An overcast start to the morning but the sun was soon out as we headed out of the village in a different direction today.We went to the NW side which took us below Harden Moor, but we started along the bottom road in the direction of Harden seeing
House Sparrow,House Martin,Goldfinch &
Swallow.We took the footpath which takes us to a good spot for Warblers, great habitat with Thistles,Nettles,Brambles,Goorse & isolated trees.The only problem is spotting the birds with all this great cover for them.We didn't too too badly though starting with
Robin,more Goldfinch,
Wren,Blue &
Great Tits,Blackcap & a couple of Flyover flocks of
Canadas.Then just as we were leaving a couple of
Willow Warblers low in the Brambles, we retraced our steps then onto the road & turning left up a steep path.As we went up we saw Canadas grazing in the field to our left,we later counted 101.At the top of the path there were Gulls in a recently manured field, we got the full fragrance at the top.The Gulls though heard us coming & moved to fields further away,when we got closer we estimated c200
BH Gulls & c250
LBB Gulls.
Not much was seen along the path but heading back down Keighley Road a Pheasant was seen, we then took a path which took us toward the Lake at Ellar Carr Mills.A Grey Squirrel was on the path watching something & was slow to see us,then as it fled we looked to the bottom of the field seeing a Hare which was probably what the Squirrel was watching.At the Lake we added
Coal Tit,Song Thrush,Moorhen &
Grey Heron which rounded off the birding off nicely.
Grey Squirrel |
Hare |
Grey Heron |
Pheasant |
Distant Goldfinch |
Goldfinch |
Goldfinch Juv |
Willow Warbler |
BH & LBB Gulls |
LBB Gulls |
Gulls disturbed |
BH & LBB Gulls |