Monday 29th August a.m.
A good bright start to the morning with the sun rising quickly as did the temperature from an initial start of 12°C.We headed through Cullingworth seeing 15
House Martins overhead and we went along the Great Northern Trial to Hewenden Viaduct.Here a look at the reservoir was a bit disappointing with just a single
Canada on the water.As we got in line with the over flow into Hewenden Beck there was more to see in the form of
6 Grey Wagtails,Dipper,2 Moorhen and 4
Mallards all just in range of the bins but only poor record snaps.
We headed off along the trail seeing a charm of
Goldfinch on the thistle seeds in a nearby field and then down Station Rd where there were more House Martins and
Swallows overhead.We went a short way down the road seeing some
Starlings on the overhead wires then a scan of the fields saw c25
BH Gulls rise up and head off.Gulls were on the move overhead the whole of the morning, we then saw a bird in the distance on a wall, through the bins we saw it was a
Wheatear a first for us in this area.We soon found another one and ended up with a count of four a great result for us.
We headed through the wood and round the top end of the reservoir and round the other side heading back.We didn't see much except for two
Peregrines, always a bonus to see these birds even though well in the distance.Coming back we found a sunny spot where it was lively with birds around a few spread out trees one in particular caught our eye when we saw a
Spotted Flycatcher perched on a low branch.This was one of three birds which we watched for some time as it flew off a short distance then back to its perch no doubt after catching some flies.We went to the other side of the tree where the birds were also seen along with
Whitethroat and
Willow Warbler,more Goldfinch,
Blue,Great &
LT Tits plus a
We moved on with more Swallows & House Martins overhead who were all scattered as a
Sparrowhawk glided through them.At the farm there were
10 Pied Wagtails which completed our eventful mornings birding.
Spotted Flycatcher |
Wheatear |
Adult Goldfinch feeding juvenile |
Swallow |
Juv Pied Wagtail |
Great to see more Spotted Flycatchers |
Hewenden Reservoir 29/8/2016 |