Sunday 15th July a.m.
Th warm sunny weather continues with an early temperature of 15°C as I took the dog for a walk through the village.Overhead was c30
Swift, juveniles building up along with adults ready for the long journey South in a couple of weeks. There were several groups of
House Martins also feeding for their later journey.
I then walked on to the viaduct overlooking Hewenden Reservoir where there were more
Swifts,Swallows and
House Martins.A
Kestrel was in a tree looking for food and a
Sparrowhawk flew down to the reservoir overflow where there was a couple of
Moorhen.There were ten
BH Gulls on the dam wall and at the other side were
Canadas and
Mallard plus a
Mute Swan.A walk round the reservoir produced
GSW,Linnet,Bullfinch,Goldfinch,Jay and
Willow Warbler.
Swallow Juv |
Canadas & Mallards |
Goldfinch |
Kestrel |
Moorhen |
Mute Swan |
Mute Swans |
distant Sparrowhawk |
Peacock Butterfly |
Small Tortoiseshell |
Hewenden Reservoir 15/7/2018 |