Monday September 6th a.m.
After a misty start the sun began to come through so I decided to have a walk to Hewenden Reservior, the temperature was 15°C. When I got to the viaduct I could see c50 House Martins flying around feeding, on the water there were three Wigeons, four Teal, Canadas, Mallards, Mute Swan with a Grey Wagtail in the overflow. Then the Teal suddenly took off so I tried to get a flight shot which was hopeful with my bridge camera and needless to say didn't happen. Then my attention was drawn by another very large bird which had appeared, Osprey! which was fishing and then flew over near the dam wall before going in to the trees.
I had seen reports of an Osprey being here and at Doe Park Reservoir so I was delighted to finally see it and so close to home to get a lifer for myself. I walked round the Reservoir and got another view of the Osprey as it flew to another tree where it was visible and so I was able to get some more pictures. In the tree it was hounded by several Magpies which led it to fly off towards Doe Park Res at about 10:30 a.m.
I picked it up high in the sky probably above Doe Park Res which it will have glided to in a minute, takes me about 30 minutes walk between Reservoirs. Great morning seeing this majestic bird.
Osprey |
Osprey hounded by Magpies |
Flying near the Dam wall |
Hewenden Reservoir 6/9/2021 |