We took another walk through the local counryside this morning, the day started
out cool and a bit overcast temperature about 9°C but dry. We noted many of the
regular species we now see, including Crow,Jackdaw,Magpie,Collard Dove,Starling,
Blue Tits and Chaffinch. We saw the Swallowes again in the same place as our walk
last week, we heard the Pheasant calling and caught a quick glimse as it broke cover.
There were a couple of Willow Warbles singing and through the Binoculars we saw
two large winged birds flying high in the sky and circling on the thermals before
dissapearing into the distance, my guess is they were Buzzards,but I could not
positively ID them. Another first as we caught sight of a Whinchat on a rooftop,
which then flew to the top of a nearby tree. A nice walk and enjoyable birding.
Coming home we noted our Apple Tree is full of blossom and the Pires leaves
are now at their best.
Blue Tit nesting |
Crow taking in the view |
Willow Warbler |
Whinchat on roof |
Whinchat in tree |
Apple tree with plenty blossom |
Pires leaves at their best |
Good one with the Whinchat Daniel. Not an easy bird to find