Saturday September 24th a.m.
This morning started sunny with a temperature of 14°C,later in the morning
it clouded over. We went to Fairburn Ings which is a RSPB Nature Reserve
near Castleford. We first saw Mallards,Grey Heron and Mute Swans the later having
two Signets with them which were nearly as big as the parents but still a grey colour.
As we moved down the track towards the Lin Dike hide there were Swallows
on the overhead lines and a couple of Pheasant ran into the longer grass.At the
Hide we could see more Pheasants,Lapwings,Mute Swans,Mallards and
Canadas.There were only two waders that we could see which we think were
Greenshank but at the distance they were from us we could not be sure.
We moved on to the Pickup hide where we saw a number of birds on the
feeders including Goldfinch,Greenfinch,Chaffinch,Blue & Great Tits and Tree
Sparrow.From here we saw the same species of birds on some different feeders
behind a screen & a Coal Tit. Finally at the Bob Dickens Hide we saw Coots,
Long-tailed Tits,Tufted Duck,Great Crested Grebe and Cormorants.
c200 - Mallards
c100 - Coots
36 - Lapwing
30 - Mute Swan
23 - Swallows
22 - Cormorant
20 - Long-tailed Tits
20 - Goldfinch
20 - BH Gulls
18 - Canadas
16 - Tufted Duck
10 - Tree Sparrow
10 - Pheasant
3 - Great-crested Grebe and 2 - Grey Heron
plus other species of Tits and Finches
Pheasant Hen |
Pheasant Cock |
Grey Heron |
Chaffinch |
Coal Tit |
Greenfinch |
Tree Sparrow |
Gold-Greenfinch and tree Sparrow |
Cormorants |
Various snaps of what we think were a pair of Greenshanks |