Saturday 3 September 2011

Ogden and Leeshaw Reservoirs

Saturday 3rd September a.m.
  A dry mild start to the day with a temperature of 14°C, Ogden was fairly quiet this
morning there were around 100 Gulls. There was plenty of shoreline but no sign of
any waders,Tufted Ducks still present but we couldn't spot the Little Grebe which has
been present recently. A Kestrel flew above disturbing the Gulls, as we came back
down to the promenade end the were Swallows and what we think were Sand
Martins feeding above the trees. Another Kestrel hovered in the distance and we
saw a Grey Heron. The usual Mallards were in the feeding area with a couple of
Dunnocks and Robins. One Robin which still seemed to me molting some feathers
and acquiring its red breast hung around for a couple of snaps.
 At Leeshaw things were also quiet we saw Gulls,Mallards and Grey Heron before
the rain came and we decided to go home.
c100 - BH and Common Gulls
5 -LBB Gulls
20 - Sand Martins
10 - Swallows
c70 - Mallards
3 - Tufted Duck
2 - Kestrel
1 - Grey Heron
2 - Dunnock
2 - Robin
c50 - BH Gulls
11 - LBB Gulls
10 - Mallards
2 - Grey Heron.

Tufted Duck


Grey Heron




1 comment:

  1. If the birds over the trees were Sand Martins, that's phenomenal. I think I've just had one there this year.
