Monday 24th October p.m.
Making use of half term we had a family afternoon at Bolton Abbey where they
had organised a Halloween event where we had to find clues to solve puzzles and
also count the number of Pumpkin pictures in the woods. It was a nice afternoon with
some hazy sunshine and a temperature of 13°C, we had our dog pulling us everywhere
as usual as I helped my sister spot the pumpkins and solve the clues. Being a birder now
I of course had my eyes on the River Wharfe as well spotting Mallards,Mandarin Ducks
and Goosander. I left my dad in charge of taking snaps and keeping count as I was
helping my sister and keeping hold of the dog. When we got to the Strid part of the river
I was hoping to see a Dipper,we saw one here earlier this year on our last visit, but no
luck today. We completed our puzzles and headed back down river stopping to take some
snaps on the way, when we suddenly spotted a Dipper on a rock where it stayed for a while.
Happy now we went back to the Cavendish Pavilion where we all had an ice cream and sat
looking at the river where another Dipper appeared on a rock quite close to us. So we got
some good snaps, we also saw another Dipper at the far side of the river just out of range
of my camera.Snaps below of the Dipper,other birds to follow later.
c50 - Mallards
41 - Mandarin Ducks
11 - Goosander
10 - BH Gulls
3 - Dippers
Dipper |