Saturday June 21st a.m.
A sunny start this morning with a temperature of 12°C, but when we got up to Harden Moor
there was a load of swirling mist.We thought it might put a holt to our visit but it kept moving & soon
dispersed.First up was a
Whitethroat singing some distance away then
Great Tits some of them
Juveniles &
Sand Martins were around as usual.There were good numbers of
Goldfinch,one we saw
looking like it had just fledged,also plenty
Willow Warblers.A female
Blackcap was seen but before we
could get a snap it disappeared into the undergrowth which is at its height now given the birds plenty cover.
Mind you with the number of people out walking their dogs in this popular location the birds need the
brambles,nettles etc.
Other birds seen were a pair of
Bullfinch,Mipits,Robin,Kestrel,LBB Gull,Redpoll & Swift but my
favourite of the morning was a
Cuckoo.It flew over & perched on a fence post briefly before moving
off, no doubt it will be heading off back to Africa before long.
We came home via Haworth road to check out the flock of Gulls which was up to c125 in the
Cullingworth Fields area.They were some distance away & we could tell there was a good number
LBB Gulls but the others were more difficult to ID.
Cuckoo |
male Bullfinch |
distant Whitethroat |
Goldfinch fledgling |
Great Tit |
Meadow Pipit |
Robin |
Willow Warbler |
LBB Gulls & others |
Willow Warbler |
Cullingworth Fields |