Sunday 20th July a.m.
A misty start to the day with the surrounding hills covered in fog limiting the choices for any
birding this morning, the temperature a muggy 16°C.We decided to take the dog for a walk on
to Hewenden Viaduct & the Reservoir area, not much was seen on the way.When we got to
the viaduct there were twenty
Swifts which were making their usual screeching noise.On the
reservoir there was a
Mute Swan & a pair of
Great Crested Grebes no sign of any Juvs though
that we saw earlier in the year.There were a few
Canadas at the edge of the reservoir on the grass
as we made our way to Station Road. Here there were thirty
Swallows on the overhead wires some
coming down to the road where there was also a
Pied Wagtail.
We headed back across the viaduct where we saw a
Grey Wagtail, we then stopped to look at the
overflow from the Reservoir which flows into Hewenden Beck.Through the bins we could see a
Mallard with a couple of Juvs, then a flash of blue as a
Kingfisher went past them towards the
Reservoir which was quickly followed by a second.This was a first for us locally & great to see at
last Kingfishers so close to home.We're not sure if they are based around the reservoir or from
Hewenden or Hallas Becks but good to know there in the area.
We decided to go down to the reservoir to see if there was any sign of them,as we walked down
there was a flock of c50
House Martins feeding near the farm.Nearer the reservoir we saw more Grey Wagtails & a couple of
Moorhen but could not see the Kingfishers.On the dam wall was a
Grey Heron
& some
BH Gulls.Not a morning for taking snaps in the gloom but here are some records of our walk.
Swallow |
Swallows on the wires |
Grey Heron & BH Gulls |
Mute Swan,Gt C.Grebe,Canadas |
Grey Wagtail |
Canadas |
Gt C. Grebe |
Moorhens |
Hewenden Reservoir |
Hewenden Viaduct & Reservoir |