Sunday 20th October a.m.
Another dull start with full cloud cover but slowly brightening up at Lister Park with a start temperature of 8°C.At the Lake there were c 150
BH Gulls, 4
Commons, c100
Canadas, 4
Greylags, 31
Tufteds along with the usual
Mallard, Moorhen and
Coots.The Gulls then lifted and the flock of
Feral Pigeons flew away, a look skyward gave the reason as a
Sparrowhawk being harassed by a
Carrion Crow flew overhead. Near the lake a tree full of berries produced 10
Redwing, my first of the Autumn and with them the surprise of a
Blackcap tucking in to the berries.
Elsewhere in the Park a mixed flock of birds had
Blue Tits, Coal Tits, Great Tits, LT Tits and
Goldcrest. Others seen were
Collared Dove, Pied Wagtail, Jay, Robin and
Redwing |
Collared Dove |
Goldcrest |
LT Tit |
Pied Wagtail |
Sparrowhawk |
Carrion Crow & Sparrowhawk |
Common Gull |
Greylag |
Tufted |
Lister Park 20/10/2019 |