Tuesday 25 June 2024

Redcar Tarn

Tuesday 25th June a.m.

A hot sunny start with a temperature of 22°C at Redcar Tarn where there were c40 LBB Gulls on the water and just two BH Gulls.  A couple of Canadas with three goslings were at the waters edge and a pair of Oystercatchers were in a nearby field with a Pied Wagtail on an overhead cable.  Walking round the Tarn Damselflies & Dragonflies were seen and a Swift flew overhead, others seen were Coots, Mallards, Tufted, Rooks and Jackdaws.  

Lesser Black-backed Gull

LBB Gulls


Pied Wagtail



BH Gull

Canadas with goslings



Common Blue Damselfly

Broad-bodied Chaser Dragonfly

LBBs at Redcar Tarn 25/6/2024

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