Monday, 26 August 2013

Harden Moor

Monday 26th August a.m.
 A sunny morning with a temperature of 14°C on our arrival at Harden Moor. As we walked
passed the quarry it was good to see c20 Sand Martins still around & the whole area seemed
full of Mipits.We just walked a short distance along the path seeing,Blue Tits,Blackbirds,Robin
& Wrens could be heard. Also there were a few Willow Warblers one giving a good view in a
nearby tree but we couldn't line the camera up on it, another Warbler was in a distant tree but was
more white in colour making us think a possible Chiffchaff.
 We started to head back when a few birds came into a tree in front of us next to the path, as we
got a little closer we could see part of one of them. It was a deep orange belly, the colour running
under its tail,it had a brown back & wings.We're not used to seeing birds like this on our doorstep,
could it be a Redstart? We moved a little closer to get a better view but off it flew, we moved along
thepath  seeing a number of Goldfinch some of them juvs.Then in the distance on the wire fencing sat
our bird this time we could see all of it, we managed to get a snap. Another look at the snap when we
got home confirmed it was a Redstart.
Meadow Pipit

Goldfinch Juv

Branches getting in the way of a good bird

second view shows Redstart


1 comment:

  1. Nice one lads, Ive nearly forgotton what a Redstart looks like, well found and re located.
