Wednesday 1 May 2024

Harden Moor

 Wednesday 1st May a.m.

A misty morning turning cloudy and eventually the sun broke though on my first visit to Harden Moor this year after all the poor weather, the start temperature was 14°C which soon rose.  Good to hear a returning Cuckoo and get some good views, a couple of Garden Warbles were also singing I did get views of them but no pictures.  The Sand Martins were also back in their usual nesting site, a few House Martins were seen as well.  The Skylarks were up singing and soaring high into the sky and a Kestrel was out hunting. Others seen were Bullfinch, Green Woodpecker, Linnet, Mipit, Chiffchaff, Pheasant, Robin, Willow Warbler and Wren.






Willow Warbler


Pheasant on Harden Moor 1/5/2024

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