Sunday May 26th a.m.
After our earlier visit to Yeadon Tarn we moved to Rodley Nature Reserve where the sun
was still shining with a temperature of 14.5°C.A good selection of birds here as usual with
the numbers down as some of the wildfowl has moved away.Things started well as the sun
shone on a
Greenfinch in a tree near the car park and a
Whitethroat sang at the top of a
distant tree, we also saw our first
Sedge Warbler of the year.There were three pairs of
Common Terns which will hopefully breed successfully on the site.Others are ahead of the
game with a pair of
Mute Swan having three cygnets & a pair of
Oystercatchers also having
a young chick which was great to see.Among others seen were
Jay,Grey Heron,Reed Bunting
Little Grebe &
Greenfinch |
Wren |
Little Grebe |
Common Tern |
Mute Swan Cygnets |
Oystercatcher chick |
Oystercatcher |
Oystercatcher with chick |
Mute Swan with Cygnets |
What a wonderful sight Oystercatcher with chick |
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