Sunday 8 September 2013

Park Dam

Sunday 8th September a.m.
 Following our earlier visit to Harold Park we went the short distance down the road to Park
Dam, here seeing 78 Canadas grazing in the field explaining why there were none on the water
at our other site. We Headed to the water where there were 2 Mute Swans with 3 Juvs, 14 Tufted
Ducks, 3 Little Grebes & 2 Great Crested Grebes with 3 Juvs. Others included 12 Magpie,
Coots,Mallards & Moorhen with the sun shining a chance of a few snaps here.We headed back
to the car, as we got closer we heard the call chiff chaff several times coming from in front of us.
Then we saw the distant Chiffchaff on an overhead wire near where we were parked, we set off
towards it camera at the ready. Needless to say as we got closer it dived into the hedgerow, but
we could still see it as it darted about with a second bird. Then it popped out on top of a tree, snap
got it, then moving along it headed onto some railings near where we were stood. Perfect for a snap,
just one snag the sun was behind it so only got a silhouette, never mind we had a good morning.

Mute Swan Juv

Little Grebe

male Tufted Duck

Gt C. Grebe juv

Gt C. Grebe

Little Grebes

Mute Swans

Park Dam

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