Saturday, 3 June 2017

Harden Moor

Saturday 3rd June a.m.
A bright start to the morning with a temperature of 11°C, my first bird of the morning was a Little Owl which would not look at the camera for a picture.In the distance there were two Oystercatchers foraging for food, back on the main path  a Whitethroat was carrying food to its nest to feed chicks.I soon heard the sound of a Cuckoo calling but only got one glimpse of it during the morning as it flew past me.Another bird which I heard singing several times in different areas was the Garden Warbler but usually from the centre of trees.This can be a bit frustrating when you know its in the tree in front of you but no chance of a picture, I did get a couple of sightings through the bins though during the morning.It was also good to hear its close relative a Blackcap singing and see it some distance away, my first of the year.Willow Warblers were singing but in fewer numbers no doubt busy rearing chicks.It was also good to see a distant Oystercatcher with a young chick, others overhead were Sand Martin,House Martin,Swallow and Swift and good to see three Bullfinch and several Dunnock.

Willow Warbler




Turn round Little Owl

Whitethroat carrying food

Harden Moor


  1. Superb shots of some lovely birds Nigel, well done.

  2. Thanks Dave , I was glad the Whitethroat showed after struggling with the elusive Garden Warbler.
