Sunday 6th August a.m.
A cloudy cover with a temperature of 13°C up at Redcar Tarn which was dominated by c100
LBB Gulls,90
Canadas and a flock of c150
Lapwings.There were 30
BH Gulls, just one female
Tufted Duck, five
Pied Wagtails were moving around and there were two
Muscovy Ducks at the edge of the water.There were several juvenile BH Gulls one looking younger the the rest and a Juvenile LBB Gull had a leg ring on the number read J475H. Others seen were
House Martin,Swallow,Rook and
Jackdaw along with the usual c100
Mallard, one with a brood of seven young chicks.
LBB Gull Juvenile |
LBB Gull with leg ring J475H |
LBB Gulls |
BH Gull |
BH Gull Juv |
Older BH Gull Juv |
BH Gull Juv with adult |
Lapwings |
Mallard with chicks |
Muscovy |
Pied Wagtail |
Canadas splashing down |
Redcar Tarn 6/8/2017 |
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