Monday, 9 February 2015

Rodley NR

From Sunday 8th February a.m.
 When we arrived at Rodley Nature Reserve the temperature had risen to 4°C in the bright sunshine.
The first birds we saw were c50 Canadas in the field behind the car park, as we walked up the road there were another c50 Greylags also in the field.As we were looking at these two more geese circled round overhead, by the time we realised they were Pink-footed Geese they were heading into the field to join the rest of the Geese.We spotted them in the field where we were able to get a few snaps before heading off to the first hide.
 From the first hide it was good to see a Black Swan with a couple of Mute Swans, a good part of the water was still frozen.We moved on & from the next hide saw five Snipe although as usual they were well camouflaged but they occasionally appeared walking on the ice for a snap.
 We then made our way up to the bird feeding area seeing a Little Owl on a distant fence post which was being harassed by a Carrion Crow.At the feeding area hide we saw Greenfinch,Bullfinch,Reed Bunting,Tree Sparrow & some other common species. After getting a few snaps we headed off back to the car park & home after a busy & enjoyable mornings birding.
Black Swan

Pink-footed Goose

PFG approaching landing

PFG enjoying the grass

PFG,Canada & Greylag


Snipe on the ice

Reed Bunting


male Bullfinch

female Bullfinch

Black Swan at Rodley NR 8/2/15

1 comment:

  1. Like the Snipe shot.
    A bird I rarely see, never mind photograph!
