Sunday, 7 July 2019

Cullingworth & Hewenden Reservoir

Sunday 7th July a.m.
 A bright sunny morning with a start temperature of 12°C as I set off through the village seeing Swifts and House Martins overhead.At the viaduct there were another twenty Swifts feeding around the area, on the reservoir there was a distant Mute Swan and Canadas were grazing in the field.A small wood at the other side of the viaduct had a family of Wrens and nearby a juvenile bird which I could not ID but I was able to get some pictures.
 A good walk around the Reservoir adding Pied Wagtail, Chiffchaff, Goldfinch, BH Gull, LBB Gull, Robin and Moorhen.
 I've had a look at the pictures of the juvenile bird and the only thing I can come up with is a young Pied Flycatcher, which if I'm right would be a great surprise and a first for the Hewenden area.
Pied Flycatcher juvenile - I think.

Pied Wagtail


A family of Wrens


LBB Gull

Mute Swan

Painted Lady Butterfly

Hewenden Reservoir 7/7/2019


  1. Some cracking shots there Nigel - love the Juv. Spotted Fly.

  2. Thanks John, really pleased to get the Juv Flycatcher.
